Thursday, August 09, 2007

CS Lewis

Kat had me read this essay, The Weight of Glory , by CS Lewis. Pretty powerful.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Love sucks just sucks sometimes. It can rip your heart out. Who ever said "feeling" was a good thing? Huh? Where is that person now?

Monday, August 06, 2007

Peru: The Sunflower Orphanage

The Sunflower....

My time at the Sunflower orphanage in Peru touched my heart in ways imaginable.
I never knew I could fall in love so quickly. The children seriously captured my heart. They were all so beautiful with their big white eyes, dark hair, and infectious smiles. When I asked 11 yr old Jason what his favorite day of the week was, he told me, “Sunday. Because it’s the day most important to God.” These children were spiritual giants…so humble and giving.

Although we worked so hard (digging multiple trenches, mixing cement, making mortar, hanging 800 pound gates, shoveling/transporting rocks, creating a cobblestone walkway, painting the bathroom ceiling while standing on the shower ledges, digging 3x3x3 ft holes in cement-like dirt; it was more of a spiritual experience than anything else. I felt like everything made sense there – life was simple and clear, it was easier to feel the spirit, and there was time to notice the stars. Although their circumstances are meager, I envy them for their way of life.

I can't wait to go back. And I start my Spanish classes on Thursday, so wish me luck.

Viva Peru

The Gang...Love 'em all.

The Sunflower, Peru
Jill, Illadio, Lauren, Neptali, Kayla, Yeison - The Workers

Sacred Valley, Peru
Above the orphanage...we're at about 12,800 ft.

A Taxi in the Sacred Valley...motorized style

The Sunflower, Peru
Digging a trench for the water line

Painting the boys bathroom...we had paint everywhere.

No uniforms required...

Urabama, Peru (right beneath the orphanage)
Gathering rocks for the cobblestone path

From the river to the path...

The Sunflower, Peru
Yeri- absolutely the cutest boy alive

Our fearless leader - Scott Evans

Taxi Ride in Puno
Racing to the port - that was one wild ride!

Lake Titicaca, Peru
The highest lake in the world! And even cooler - they have 36 man-made floating islands.

Lake Titicaca, Peru
The children on the floating islands- brightly clothed.

Paragliding in Lima, Peru
Getting prepped to jump off the cliff - that's me in the white helmet. Dead sexy.

Flying along the Pacific ocean

Custco, Peru
Just some darling school children at a festival

Lima, Peru