Monday, August 06, 2007

Viva Peru

The Gang...Love 'em all.

The Sunflower, Peru
Jill, Illadio, Lauren, Neptali, Kayla, Yeison - The Workers

Sacred Valley, Peru
Above the orphanage...we're at about 12,800 ft.

A Taxi in the Sacred Valley...motorized style

The Sunflower, Peru
Digging a trench for the water line

Painting the boys bathroom...we had paint everywhere.

No uniforms required...

Urabama, Peru (right beneath the orphanage)
Gathering rocks for the cobblestone path

From the river to the path...

The Sunflower, Peru
Yeri- absolutely the cutest boy alive

Our fearless leader - Scott Evans

Taxi Ride in Puno
Racing to the port - that was one wild ride!

Lake Titicaca, Peru
The highest lake in the world! And even cooler - they have 36 man-made floating islands.

Lake Titicaca, Peru
The children on the floating islands- brightly clothed.

Paragliding in Lima, Peru
Getting prepped to jump off the cliff - that's me in the white helmet. Dead sexy.

Flying along the Pacific ocean

Custco, Peru
Just some darling school children at a festival

Lima, Peru


Kristy said...

Hi Jill! This is Kristy (Nilsson) Walker from PLC! I saw a link to your blog from Hillary's and I had to stop in and see what you are up to. Are you currently in Peru or have you returned? My husband and I returned from spending 10 months in Peru in June. We had the most wonderful experience living there and I loved seeing your pictures, knowing I have stood in similar, and in some cases, the exact places! Peru really became home to us for those 10 months and I just love that country and the people there. I even think I recognize one of the girls from your Lake Titicaca pictures! :)

While we were in Peru, my husband was doing medical research on some tropical infectious diseases and I spent my time studying Spanish. I also taught some English classes to teenagers in a shanty town outside of Lima. We spent the majority of our time in Lima, but we also lived in Arequipa for about 3 months. We traveled most of the country and felt so blessed to see such beautiful places and associate with such wonderful people.

Okay, sorry, this is getting long. I just hold such a special place in my heart for that country and am so excited when anyone I know has been able to experience some of the culture and sites there. I'd love to hear from you and learn more of your experience and what took you to Peru. You can email me at and we're also bloggers at


Kristen said...

Wow, what an amazing experience! I almost wrote what an "once in a lifetime" experience, but then I realized that you probably won't do this just once! It's just the first of many "life changing" experiences for you!

Sunshine Promises said...

I found your blog via Natalie Clark Lundquist (I think that's her married name?). Anyhoo, I want to get some more info on your experience in Peru. I worked in some village schools in Africa (in the outskirts of Nairobi) awhile back and have been wanting to find a similar experience. How long were you there? What organization did you go with? How can I find out more info?

Any info you could give me would be grately appreciated.

Amanda Kjar Wilkinson

Luv 2 Write said...

Hi! I just read your story and it sounded amazing! I've been trying to find a humanitarian mission to go on, I think it would be a wonderful experience. What company did you go with? Do they have a website? How long were you there for?

Luv 2 Write said...

Hi! I just read your story and it sounded amazing! I've been trying to find a humanitarian mission to go on, I think it would be a wonderful experience. What company did you go with? Do they have a website? How long were you there for?